Local Getis-Ord G

The local Getis-Ord statistic is a ratio of the weighted average of the values in the neighboring locations to the sum of all values. It is called local g or local g*, when not including the value at the location. In local g/g*, a value larger than the mean (or, a positive value for a standardized z-value) suggests a High-High cluster or hot spot, a value smaller than the mean (or, negative for a z-value) indicates a Low-Low cluster or cold spot. For more information, please read: https://geodacenter.github.io/workbook/6b_local_adv/lab6b.html#getis-ord-statistics

In contrast to the Local Moran and Local Geary statistics, the Getis-Ord approach does not consider spatial outliers.


  1. localG() and localGStar()


function localG(
    WeightResult w,
    Array val,
    Number permutations, 
    String permutation_method,
    NUmber significance_cutoff, 
    Number seed)


function localGStar(
    WeightResult w,
    Array val,
    Number permutations, 
    String permutation_method,
    NUmber significance_cutoff, 
    Number seed)



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