2. 🌐 Spatial Weights

Spatial weights represent the possible spatial interaction between observations in space. They are an essential element in the construction of spatial autocorrelation statistics and provide the means to create spatially explicit variables, such as spatially lagged variables and spatially smoothed rates. For more information, please read: https://geodacenter.github.io/workbook/4a_contig_weights/lab4a.html


  • 2.1 Contiguity-Based Weights

    • queen_weights()

    • rook_weights()

    • weights_astext()

  • 2.2 Distance-Based Weights

    • distance_weights()

    • min_distthreshold()

    • knn_weights()

  • 2.3 Kernel Weights

    • kernel_weights()

    • kernel_knnweights()

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